Everyone needs to understand how marketing works if you are looking to grow a business. All big businesses have a marketing department that helps the company get exposure to the right clients. You can never learn enough about your client or learn more marketing tips. We have found the top marketing newsletters for you to sign up for that help a novice marketer to an expert. Here are the top 7 marketing newsletters.
Prompt Engineering Daily
Year Founded: 2023
Subscriber Count: 75k+
Send Schedule: Daily
What is this newsletter about?
Marketing has come a long way and with the introduction of AI it has skyrocketed in popularity. Prompt Engineering Daily provides you with Ai Prompts, Insight and tools to stay ahead of the curve. They provide users with some amazing marketing tactics that you can use AI to guide you to faster results.
Marketing Examined
Year Founded: 2022
Subscriber Count: 30k+
Send Schedule: Weekly
What is this newsletter about?
Every Thursday Marketing Examined sends you one area in marketing to focus on and provides you with an overview. It shows you how you can implement this into your marketing workflow. The articles are in-depth and they boast a big following from top companies like apple, HubSpot, linked in, and more.
Founders OS
Year Founded: 2022
Subscriber Count: 50k+
Send Schedule: Weekly
What is this newsletter about?
Matt Gray is a marketing genesis. He has amassed a big following online and for good reason. This newsletter is focused on founders who are looking to grow personal brands and continue to build the community. He teaches how to put all your marketing on autopilot to help you keep on producing more content. It only will take you 3 minutes to read every Saturday morning.
Marketing Letter
Year Founded: 2023?
Subscriber Count: 25k+
Send Schedule: Weekly
What is this newsletter about?
Marketing letter keeps you up to date on all marketing events going on in under 5 minutes. You will get a full detailed breakdown of everything going on in the marketing industry. Written by Jacky Chou who has admitted the newsletter is rough around the edges. The newsletter promises to explain with memes, and make you feel and sound smart. It’s the perfect newsletter for any marketing person.
Write On
Year Founded: 2023
Subscriber Count: Unknown
Send Schedule: Weekly
What is this newsletter about?
This newsletter written by Joe Portsmouth is for any copywriters looking to improve or learn something new. Joe does a good job of covering tons of topics in his weekly newsletter and gives you actionable items for everything related to copywriting. If you are someone who needs to improve your copywriting for any marketing you may be doing. Write On is the newsletter for you.
Marketing Brew
Year Founded: 2022
Subscriber Count: Unknown
Send Schedule: Weekly
What is this newsletter about?
Marketing Brew is the biggest marketing newsletter out there. They cover everything single topic and are the group behind MorningBrew. If you are looking for the best overview of everything happening in marketing then Marketing Brew is perfect for you. They cover everything happening from advertising to everything possible in marketing.
Growth Network
Year Founded: 2022
Subscriber Count: 73k+
Send Schedule: Weekly
What is this newsletter about?
The growth network is sharing the best practices and growth strategies used by some of the fastest-growing startups around. They provide you with actionable items to scale your business faster with insightful marketing tactics from top startups.
If you are a marketer you would be silly not to join all of the above marketing newsletters. We have taken the time to handpick the top 7 marketing newsletters for you. All of these newsletters will help you in different aspects of your marketing journey. If you are serious about marketing you should sign up for all of these as they are all free.